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  • Where to Keep Seed Phrase: How to Secure Your Assets

    When creating a wallet for cryptocurrency, you were prompted to record a mnemonic phrase. It can be extended to some words (12, 18, or 24). That phrase is often recorded in a diary, notebook, or unique waterproof cards. This security measure was first introduced in the Bitcoin system with the BIP39 update and later became a generally accepted standard.

    The safety of all your cryptocurrency depends on this slightly fragile piece of paper. Many users neglect basic security rules for storing mnemonics. Let`s take a look at some seed phrase storage that will help to avoid any unforeseen situations.

    How to keep the seed phrase?

    There are several proven methods to understand how to save the code seed phrase. To maximize the security of your assets, you should remember about:

    1. Special devices. Suppose you are worried about losing your mnemonic phrase due to natural disasters. For this, special devices for storing phrases were created - Cryptosteel or Billfodl. These devices are resistant to any physical impact since they are made of stainless steel.

    2. Storage locations. Even special devices will not help completely secure the phrase. Finding a safe place for the mnemonic phrase is also a priority. A home safe or safe deposit box will do the job perfectly. The most extreme case is storing the mnemonics in an area that is not obvious to attackers and holding phrases outside the home. 

    3. Lamination of a mnemonic phrase will not be an unnecessary precaution and can save you from any physical damage. It is worth considering that lamination should be done only by the owner of the mnemonic without strangers. Fortunately, laminating devices are currently sold at affordable prices.

    4. Several copies. Creating and saving more than one copy of the phrase will increase its safety. But it is better to keep copies in different places.

    5. Inheritance. Make sure that your relatives can find the mnemonic phrase if something happens to you. A safe deposit box is perfect for this.

    6. Passphrases. Additional codeword or 25th word. This method is one of the most advanced and reliable because a different phrase creates an entirely private unique and a new wallet.

    How not keep a seed phrase?

    And in conclusion, let`s figure out what method of storing the seed phrase is not the best option. So how not to keep a seed phrase:

    • On an electronic medium, even if it is offline most of the time;

    • In the form of a photo;

    • In email;

    • In Google Docs and Cloud Services;

    • Send by SMS;

    • Printed;

    • Send by fax;

    • It would help if you did not take a mnemonic phrase with you.

    In case you lose access to a device with a crypto wallet. Thanks to the seed phrase, you will have the opportunity to recover your funds quickly. Just remember to save your seed phrase securely when creating your digital wallet.

    Опубликовано: 07.11.2021
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